Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Feeling Free, Feeling Good

After a considerably hard weekend, I decided to take two days off from work.  Sickness and pain were my nemeses and I had only one remedy: sleep.  I also made some dietary changes and limited my food to saltines and soup with the occasional sandwich.  For whatever reason, these switches have positively impacted my after miscarriage stuff. While I am still feeling slightly ill, the back pain is almost gone and my mind is just about free of fog.

It's strange, really, to have these excessive emotional highs and lows--to go from hating life to feeling excited for tomorrow.  Hell, I'll take the positives, they keep me going and my world incredibly interesting. Eh, I guess I can handle the lows if they make life exciting and this couldn't be possible if there isn't one (or two, or 10) sh***y day a week.  I know because my Guide to Life says so.

(What is my Guide to Life?  Well let me tell you.  Nah, I'll just redirect you.) (This book is on a pedestal in my household and we read from it religiously.  RELIGIOUSLY I say.  It's my replacement bible.)

(Speaking of the bible, Emily comes home singing new Christian songs that she has learned in preschool about once a week.  My favorite is God Is Great. She sings this every meal time while Ben and I sit and laugh.  It's just so darn cute!  Also, she doesn't like it if I try to change the lyrics to "Emily is great!" or something similar.  I guess she thinks I'm being cynical.  Where would she get that idea?)


If my life were a musical, I would be singing "The Hills Are Alive" or "Defying Gravity." If only I could attach wires from my brain to the TV so my amazing thoughts could be transmitted to the BIG SCREEN.   Picture this:  Me, in a beautiful dress, singing and dancing my way through life.  It would be priceless.  And entertaining.  Mostly entertaining.

(Have I mentioned that Emily dances like a Hip Hop star?  I guess my regular Zumba work-outs HAVE taught her something.  Like how to shake her hips and booty.  I feel slightly guilty in encouraging her but, frankly, it's hilarious to see my 3-year-old shaking her thing better than most pop stars do.)


I return to work today and I feel like doing some jumping jacks--I am THAT excited.

Is this what feeling free--from anger--is like?  If so, I really like it.


  1. Shake it, lady! Enjoy. Good days are wondrous.

  2. So, so happy for you that you are feeling free. And yes I do think that life without anger is very happy. Stay the course - as best you can.

  3. I am all for defying gravity! I love to sing the song in my car on car trips!


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